This area of coaching focuses on the use of Hypnosis as a model of change. You will undertake a training in Hypnotherapy and a Model of Coaching. 120+ Training hours (can be a mixture of online and live training) plus supervised practice. If you have been trained by a recognised NLP Training organisation, those hours count towards your Hypnotherapy accreditation.
£65.00 annually
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Master Hypnotherapy Coach
This is a further 80+ hours training (can be a mixture of online and live training) and includes advanced applications of Hypnotherapy across different models as well as advanced coaching skills. You will have a clear model through which to work and apply your skills. If you have been trained by a recognised NLP Training organisation, those hours count towards your Hypnotherapy accreditation.
£65.00 annually
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Hypnotherapy Coach Trainer
Trainers Training is a requirement of this level 120+ hours plus presentation skills training, supervision and mentoring. You will need your NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner certification already.